Time Saving Tools That I use to help create content:

AnswerThePublic.com  – Discover what people are asking about on any topic, brand or product. Use 1-2 words to get the best results. You may do limited queries for free and after that, they offer an unlimited option at around $79 a month. AnswerThePublic listens into autocomplete data from search engines like Google then quickly cranks out every useful phrase and question people are asking around your topic, products or brands.

I use Curation Soft’s tool to assist me in finding content I can take excerpts from, videos, images and more. It allows me to import the content into my blogs by dragging and dropping into my blog or website. While maintaining the links to the other website and giving them credit for the post. 

Grammarly: This tool will help you become a better writer. It has grammar, punctuation and style checkers. It gives you tips to improve your writing and gives you usage examples with matching adjectives. Best of all it works anywhere you write- Facebook,Wordpress, powerpoint, word, email and more. It really makes writing content easier and faster. Free and paid versions are available.

Google Trends – This is also a fantastic content planning tool. You can research when specific phrases trend and look for “break out” terms. Break out terms are new related queries you can take advantage of by creating content around them. 

Google Alerts: I set up alerts on keywords or phrases in quotes so I can get the daily scoop on blogs, news and other websites that have my key phrases in them. I will also set them up for products that I want to promote so I can see if they are in the news and take advantage of it in a timely manner. You can create as many alerts as you like with your Google account and you can remove them or refine them as often as you need to.

Weird observances and Trivial Holidays: I love using TimeandDate.com to discover all those unusual holidays and observances all over the world. This is one of the easiest ways to come up with content ideas on a schedule. Best of all it is evergreen content. They are categorized by monthly and then daily observances. Things like “Lost Sock Memorial Day” – May 10 or “Say Something Nice Day” – June 1 could be used to create conversations, social media content, videos and more. The ideas you can generate from a resource like this are endless.

Step 5. Content Creation

The next thing to consider is content creation. Can you give the visitor added value with your content? Content can be video, images, text, a PDF, or audio.

Remember, unique and original content will give you an advantage, not only with your visitors but also with the search engines. Don’t try to SEO the heck out of an article or post the first time around. Focus on writing something of genuine use for the readers.

You can always go back in and make subtle changes to wording to focus your content better for specific keywords or phrases. The important thing is you have quality content.

Plan a strategy for adding fresh content to your site on a regular basis. Consider article writing services like Text Broker or hire writers directly down the road.

Things like fun facts, tips, trivia and general information about your topic. An FAQ page (Frequently Asked Questions) is one of the easiest things to write on almost any topic and will pull in visitors like crazy. Not to mention you can always add to it and then create unique posts/content on each of the FAQ topics in depth.

Writing actually can be easy.

  • Decide what the goal of your content will be. 
  • What are the points you want to make. 
  • Get credible sources for facts, if necessary. 
  • Organize the points in order with a beginning, middle and end. 
  • The first paragraph should be a summary of the contents of the page.

Avoid using long paragraphs, as most readers tend to skim through, looking for important information. Take advantage of this by using bulleted lists and allow for plenty of white space. 

From your keyword and competitor research you should have a list of topics you can cover as well as a ton of information making you the expert you need to be to create quality content. Focus on your content for the reader first and your Search Engine Optimization and Sales as a secondary goal.  The more you give the more you get back.

Are you concerned that writing original content still feels too difficult?

Then relax because here is a list of very easy ideas to help you get started immediately. 

Ideas for content:

  • Tutorials (very powerful)
  • “How To do” articles
  • Nostalgia (very powerful)
  • History of your product or topic
  • News Stories
  • Background information on your topic or product
  • Descriptive text using the five senses (very powerful)
  • Solve a problem
  • Check lists
  • Advice column
  • Write an interview
  • Create “How to videos”
  • What comes with the product video
  • How to put it together videos and text articles with original images
  • Product comparison charts or reviews
  • InfoGraphics
  • Holidays and observances related to your topic

You need to create a central theme on your topic.

Write an outline of what your main topics are going to be and start adding more offshoots of the main topic that you can cover. This will help you always stay focused and on track with your content. Making an outline will also help you with page and post development. Your most important articles should be pages, while the offshoots should be posts, which you will eventually link to from the pages that you create.

Create a schedule for posting new articles and stick to it.

You may find yourself full of inspiration on one day and create several articles. Schedule those out to post at least once a week on your WordPress site. Then you have given yourself some breathing room to research and discover more content.

One of the most often asked questions I get is this:

Ginette, could you give me a list of the most effective tools that you personally use?
So up next is my list of favorite “time saving tools” that I use.