New York Takes a bite out of Affiliates

 Affiliates are performance advertisers, most don’t actually do any transactions, so why is where an affiliate lives relevant to sales tax from a referred customer? Will you say then any purchase made by a set of IP’s identified in a specific state be charged that related sales tax on all purchases?

Bits: Throws New York Affiliates Overboard to Avoid Sales Tax
By Saul Hansell
Published: May 14, 2008
To avoid being subject to a New York State law that would have forced it to collect sales taxes on sales to New York residents, has cut off its dealings with Web sites in the state that send it customers. Read more

Online Games Redefine Gaming.. Affiliate Marketing opportunities

What is the future of Online games? Check this The article talks about how console games don’t deliver the goods to consumers, it is a little long winded but I tend to agree. Online games don’t require as much from the consumers and there is plenty of space for advertising and it is flexible. The casual gamers have more access, which means marketers have more eyes. Online Games have opened up a whole new set of Affiliate Marketing opportunities. This is an area where marketers have an opportunity to make money while promoting an industry that will only continue to grow. Even in times of a bad economy, everyone needs their escape.