Affiliate Success Set Goals !

Set small reachable goals.
Examples: write 1 page – 4 paragraphs of content for website and publish it in Article Announce.
Write a review of a new product.
Increase New Traffic for 1 keyword – List the things you will be doing to make the increase a reality.
Keep your goals specific. When you achieve each goal no matter how
small, you will feel a sense of accomplishment which will help keep
you on track to set and reach the next goal

Affiliate Success Time and Attention!

Give your business the Time and Attention it deserves.
Many of you participate in affiliate programs as an afterthought. I
challenge you to rethink your approach and treat your affiliate
businesses or projects as if it was Macy’s Department store and you
owned it. Set aside a specific time to actively work on your websites,
participate in forums, web 2.0 projects, and log into your affiliate admin center to see
what new things have been added.