Ultimate Blogging Themes

WordPress is one of the easiest ways to get started with affiliate marketing.
The hard part for most is getting a custom designed blog.
The cost to pay a developer to recode your blog and the time of trying to learn
how to recode it to fit in ads or your opt in form can be a daunting task.

But what if you’ve found an easy way  to kick-start your affiliate marketing plans
to make your blog theme stunning, unique, and personalized without knowing any code?

What if you could customize your entire blog design the way you
wanted and without paying for a professional designer?

Introducing… ‘Ultimate Blogging Theme 3.0’

My favorite Google-friendly, highly-customizable blog theme that
makes your blog unique, without touching a line of code…

Check it out right here:

and tell me what you think about it!

Did I just mention it is advertising optimized too?

Just copy and paste the ads to the boxes positioned in the most
clickable locations!

And here are a few other “must-have” features we like:

* Point and click to change from 3 columns to 2 columns or even
1 column

* Drag your cursor to change the sidebars to the left or to the

* Movable header boxes for opt-ins, advertising, top blog posts,
banner, logo, your picture

Grab your copy here:

Dragon Door Affiliate Program growing 7 Years Strong!

For the past 7 years I have managed the Dragon Door Affiliate Program. I am very blessed to know so many dedicated affiliates. You guys and gals keep me on my toes 🙂 Dragon Door’s management and staff are the tops when it comes to supporting affiliates.

Dragon Door and Pavel were the first to introduce kettlebells and kettlebell training to the Western world—after they had been all but forgotten and discarded outside of the Eastern Bloc.

Thanks to Pavel’s inspirational vision with the original Russian Kettlebell Challenge book and DVD—and our groundbreaking RKC kettlebell instructor certification program—kettlebells caught on like wild fire since we introduced them in 2001

With commissions on books and videos at 30% commission and a 180 day cookie Dragon Door affiliates get the best offer in the fitness or publication industry. If you have a passion for fitness and health I invite you to consider Dragon Door’s Affiliate Program.

Learn More about Dragon Door’s Affiliate Program